Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Five days and counting

So the count down has started. It is five days and counting until my 30th birthday. I am feeling a little scared and sad about this upcoming day. There are many other reasons that I am feeling this way. Someone please explain to me why someone says that they will call so that you can celebrate their birthday and then don't call. My biggest pet peeve is when you say you will call and then don't call. I am starting to feel that maybe I am not a good friend or something. The worst is that this same person had friends post pictures of this outing where everyone can see them. I was just looking at things and there they were posted. I thought that we were supposed to be good friends. I think I may have thought wrong.

So enough about that sad story. Some good news my new nephew will be here soon. I am guessing that in the next two weeks he will be gracing this world with his presence. I can't wait to meet this little guy. Plus I get to keep my niece in the time that he and my sister are in the hospital. I will keep you posted and when he comes I will post some pics.

Summer school has started and I can't believe that I am taking 12 hours. Right now I am just taking 9 and that is kicking my behind. Next week I will add another 3 hours.

I think that I will leave it here for now. I am on my way out to hang with some friends.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Classes are over!!

Classes are finally over. I could not be happier. I had my last conference with my supervisor and took my last final. I told my professor that the final was the hardest I had ever taken. It took me an hour and a half. By the end I wanted to scream (I didn't). I know that I got an A in at least one of my classes.

I was allowed to move on to the next step in my teaching career. Now I have my 12 hours of summer school. In the fall I will start teaching almost full time. I have two 9 week placements one in a junior high school and the other 9 weeks in an elementary school. I could not be happier in being in a middle school. I would love to teach for real (a paying job) in a middle school. There is just something about kids at that age. Maybe it is because I had such a horrible experience in middle school. I could go on and on about the bad days of middle school but I will spare you. Let's just say I will never be that kind of teacher.

I am sitting here watching Dancing with the Stars and American Idol. I was just thinking that I have nothing to do. It feels really weird not to have a paper to write, or lesson plan, or making some worksheet for the next day. I think that I should enjoy it while it lasts because I only have two weeks until summer classes start.

I think that I will leave it here for now. My shows are getting interesting. Also, I don't really have anything exciting on my mind.