Wednesday, April 30, 2008

A sad day.

Today was my last day of teaching in my junior practicum. I have been teaching 7 first, second, and third graders. I was very say today when I left school. I held my tears until I was in my car. My teachers gave me the best present. They took pictures of the kids and made me a scrapbook page. It is the cutest thing ever.

I am down to one day left of class. I have two small projects left to finish and then I get to be off for two weeks. Then its off the summer school.

I got some really great news the other day. I have moved into a management position with Lia Sophia. I am so very excited about the opportunity to reach women about this company. I make my own hours and make really good money.

So I just wanted to make a quick post to keep everyone up to date. I need to get to finishing up my projects.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

One week left

I just realized that it have been a few weeks since my last post. I guess that has to be expected since I have had soooo much to do to finish the semester. Well the good news is that I am almost done. I have only one week left and only one final to take. Then I only get two weeks off then the summer semester starts.

Here is the crazy thing I am taking 12 hours this summer. I know what am I thinking. Well , this is the thing why not? I have really nothing else to do this summer. I am not working full time. I am relying on my jewelry business to pay the bills. I really only need one class this summer to complete my degree. But the others will just add to my options when I start looking for a job.

Just a few updates. My grandmother had hip surgery on Tuesday and is doing well. She can't drive but my grandfather is taking care of that. The other thing is this. Several months ago my grandfather was diagnosed with blood cancer. My family and I have had time to digest this news and we are hopeful that he will be able to live with the cancer. It is not curable, it will only be in remission. He is doing the chemo and seems to be doing well with it. He just seems tired so he is not doing a whole lot.

To update on the new little one that is coming. My sister is feeling really good. She has really popped out in the last couple of weeks. I know that she is really ready and she has 8 weeks left. I am not sure that my niece understands what is happening. I think it will be a real shock when baby Cole comes home.

I am loving the nice weather. I have turned the heat off, which is nice. I have had the windows open and my cat Finn loves getting in the window and watching the birds. Right now he wants to play and so posting this blog is a little interesting. The above picture is of Finn on his favorite place on my bed, right in the middle. Just as I was finishing this post Finn got in the window. So here he is.

There might not be any posts until after this coming week. I want to get everything done so that my two weeks where I have nothing I can relax.

Enjoy the awesome weather.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

It has been a few days.

I know that is has been a few days since I have posted. As I am sitting here I realize that I have not said to much about myself except that I am turning 30.

I grew up in Champaign, Il. I have one younger sister who is married and has a little girl and a little boy on the way. I went to the local community college and got my associates degree in applied arts and science. At this point I realized that I was not quite ready to move on to a major college (that's another story.) So I got a certificate in dental assisting. I then spent 7 years working in the dental field. I loved my patients, but not so much of working for doctors. It sorta fell in my lap that I would go work for my dad who happened to own his own business.

After several months of working for my dad doors opened and I decided to go back to school. I could not have done this without the support of my mom and dad. I got all my little ducks in a row and last spring I was off to Illinois State University. I have to say that it was the best decision that I could have ever made.

The road has not been easy and I have had several mental breakdowns but at this point the semester is almost over. I will start student teaching in the fall and will finally graduate with my bachelors in education in May of 2009. The best part is my sister will be getting her masters in education on the same day and in the same ceremony. What better day could there be?

The only thing missing is that special someone that I could share all this with. Oh well, there is not a lot of time in my week to add a man to it. Everyone says that it happens when you least expect it well no expectations here and still nothing.

I think that I will leave it here for now. There are still several large projects that I need to finish before the end of the semester.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Awesome Weekend

Could we have asked for a better weekend? I am sad however that because of the large amount of work that I could not have been out to enjoy any of the nice days. So I am feeling a little retrospective here of late. I am less then two months from turning 30 and the only thing that is going well is that I am getting my degree in Special Education. I also am running my own business of selling jewelry. I find do these in home parties are a great stress reliever. I enjoy meeting new women and sharing with them my love of this jewelry and the great opportunity it has afforded me.
It will be yet another long week. The school semester is winding down. I will however only have one week of freedom before I will have to return to school for the summer semester and 12 hours. I know I am crazy for sure. I shall leave it here for know. I must get ready for my week ahead. Until next time.....

Thursday, April 3, 2008

I have joined the blogging community!!

So I have seen several of my friends that have started blogs. It got me to thinking..... I am about to turn "30." Wow, that is a little bit hard to take. In the last several weeks I have been looking at my life and what I am doing with it. I am finishing my Junior year at ISU. I know most people may finishing a masters, but I got a late start. I was not sure what I wanted to do the first time I was in College. Now that I am in school again it has been the best thing that I could have done. The fact that I am not married and don't children helps me to accomplish this small feet.

Can I just say that the fact that I am almost 30 has its disadvantages. I am in class with 20-22 year olds. Don't get me wrong I love the girls in my class however, I am not into the bar scene much anymore. A majority of our conversations include going out and getting drunk and making "bad life choices" This really not for me. I have far past the bar scene every night of the weekend. I do like going out for the occasional drink and some dancing but every Thursday, Friday and Saturday.

So here it is I will be 30 in less then two months. Like I said I have been thinking about where I am heading. I know that my true purpose in life it to teach children that have disabilities. My true passion is to make children in my classroom feel that they can accomplish their goals in life. To many times there are those that have low expectations for them and very few of us that feel by setting high expectations those children can reach them.

Ok, so I think that is enough for now. However, there are so many things that I could say. To many thoughts that I can't get them all out. By the way that is a picture of me. It was taken a couple of weeks ago.